Hiding in Plain Sight
Welcome to the first edition of Truth in Advertising, a blog dedicated to digging deep, finding a brand’s truth, and reaping the rewards that come with authenticity. The following case study starts at the most fundamental level — a product’s true reason for being.
A More Courageous Normal
When conversations turn politically contentious, either in person or on social media, many of us want to duck and cover.
But as brands are increasingly dragged into polarizing and charged political and cultural conversations, the ‘duck and cover’ strategy can have real reputational and financial implications.
Is This Still Advertising?
In 1975 my grandfather, Harry C. Groome Jr., wrote a how-to book on the advertising industry aptly called This is Advertising. It was published by the company where he worked in Philadelphia called Ayer; also known as America’s first advertising agency.
Find Your Road
“If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.”
This quote by the author Lewis Carroll has long been a personal favorite of mine because it packs a punch on so may levels…
Upending the Incentives for Division
“Just because you do not take an interest in politics does not mean that politics won’t take an interest in you.” — Pericles
These days it feels impossible, no matter how hard we try, to escape the divide of our politics. Once safe-ground topics like sports, music, even the weather, often lead to political acrimony.
Our Responsibility for the Future
For most of my life, I have been a political passerby. I registered as a Republican in my 20’s without much conviction. The biggest consequence of this decision was the kind of direct mail I received. Over the years, I have voted for both Republicans and Democrats. Character — the who would you rather have a beer with test — has always been the most important criteria for me.